Salt Road Festival Extras / Costume Contest


On Saturday, May 4th, the 45th Salt Road Festival will be held. Let’s  walk together in the Salt Road Festival wearing costumes that recreate the old Salt Road.

Salt Road Festival Extras
: Prior entry is required.

  • Extras of the Salt Road Festival on May 4th who will walk from start to finish wearing the old-fashioned porter or traveler costumes provided by us.
  • Extras must be 18 years or older.
  • Extras must be able to come to Hakuba Village Office by 7:00 AM on the day of the event.
  • Extras will change into costumes at Hakuba Village Office.
  • Shuttle buses will be provided for extras. Event will be finished around 2pm.
  • Extras must be willing to cooperate in forming processions at certain points along the route.
  • Extras must agree to be photographed and filmed on the day of the event for village promotion, bureau SNS, flyers, etc.

Entry: Limited to the first 15 applicants. (The application acceptance period has ended.)

Assembly Time: Hakuba Village Office at 7:00 AM (4th of May)

  • Extras will change into costumes provided.
  • Extras can leave unnecessary clothing and baggage, but please bring valuables with you.
  • For those arriving by car, please park at Hakuba Village Office.

Cooperation Request:

  • Extras must walk in costume from start to finish.
  • There will be two procession points along the way where Extras will walk together.
  • A ceremony will be held at the Green Sports Park at 11:40 AM, so please ensure to arrive by that time.

Dismissal Time: After the ceremony, shuttle buses for extras will depart from the Green Sports Park to the village office. (Around 2:00 PM) Participants will change back into their regular clothes, and costumes will be collected. Dismissal at the Hakuba Village Office around 3:00 PM.


  • Please follow event staff’s instructions on the day of the event.
  • Please refrain from actions or behaviors that may damage the image of the festival or cause inconvenience to other visitors or pedestrians.


Costume Contest: Registration is required on the day of the event.

Costume Requirements:

  • Participants must wear costumes related to the old porter or traveler attire, or costumes related to the Salt Road, such as those worn by Uesugi Kenshin or Takeda Shingen.
  • Participants must be willing to walk from start to finish in costume.
  • Participants must prepare their own costumes and be able to change into them (no rental, sale, or dressing rooms available).
  • Participants must agree to be photographed and filmed on the day of the event for village promotion.
  • Elementary school students and younger must be accompanied by a guardian.

Entry: Register on-site at Ochikura Nature Park reception from 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM.

Judging and Awards: The contest will be held at the finish line at the Green Sports Park. Participants must gather at the stage by the designated time (11:40 AM, tentative). Judging will be conducted by the Hakuba Village Mayor and event staff, and winners will be announced on the spot.

  • Best Costume Award: 1 winner
  • Runner-Up Best Costume Award: 1 winner
  • Unique Costume Award: 1 winner

Prohibited Items:

  • Use of fake blood, or any violent or aggressive expressions.
  • Excessive exposure of skin or revealing undergarments.
  • Bringing in knives, fire, weapons, or other dangerous props.


  • Please follow the staff’s instructions on the day of the event.
  • Please refrain from actions or behaviors that may damage the image of the festival or cause inconvenience to other visitors or pedestrians.
  • There are no changing rooms available. Please come dressed in your costume.
  • Please be considerate of others and make sure your costume and props do not cause any obstruction.
  • Please ensure that your costume and props comply with the “Prevention of Annoyance Ordinance,” “Minor Offenses Act,” and “Firearms and Swords Control Law.”







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